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Big Brother Fans (Camera...What Camera???)

Big Brother
Jordan Lloyd w/ Jeff
(Yes I Watch Big Brother & I Stand By It)
Rachel Reilly w/ Brendon
It's the "Nobody Gets Between Me & My Man" Bitch
And Big Money Winner
Alisson Irwin
Amber Siyavus
Annie Whittington

Britney Haynes

Cassi Colvin
Daniele Donato
Danielle Murphree
Janelle Pierzina
"Oh My God...I Showed My Nipple To America.
Might As Well Show Both Boobs And My Twat Now"
Kara Monaco
Kathy Showers
Keesha Smith
Kristen Bitting
Porsche Briggs
Tonya Paoni
Michelle Noonan

Natalie Cunial